Good-bye Resolutions!

It is mid January, how many of you are still keeping up with your resolutions?  

If you are still going strong, is it hard and daunting?  Are you feeling deprived?  

Here is the thing about resolutions, they are meant to better your life, better you, but they don’t.  

They are normally some outlandish resolve with a lot of restrictions and rules.  There is a considerable amount of telling yourself no to things you really want and trying to take on this new lifestyle overnight.  

You cause your body and mind to feel whipped and overwhelmed.  You feel bad or like a failure if you slip up.  Why do we do this to ourselves?

This year I decided that instead of resolutions, I will set an intention.  No more rules, no more unrealistic goals with deadlines, no more pushing myself around with things I don't want to be doing or not doing.  

No, this year is different.  I entered this year with an overall intention.  


That may sound strange to some of you.  I get it, but it completely resonated with me and for once, at the beginning of a new year, I felt calm and hopeful.  Excited too.

When I think of my intention of release, many things come to mind.  

Releasing extra weight.

Releasing stress.

Releasing timelines of when goals should be accomplished.

Releasing people who cause drama or unneeded stress in my life.

Releasing worrying about the judgment of others.

Releasing emotions (I tend to push everything down)

I could really spend all day writing things that my intention pertains to but I think you get the idea.  

Intentions feel more loving and well intended to me.  I don’t feel stressed out or worried about failing like I do when I make resolutions.  

Give it a try.  Sit with yourself and come up with your own intention for the year.  You can borrow mine or find one that better suits you.  

Say good-bye to your resolutions and hello to your intention and see how quickly your mood and mindset improve. 


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